❤ Brand New Start ~ Days ☆

❤ たっちょんに好きになった幸せな日々、今まで 日を過ごした 。○♡

❤ 數饅頭的日子還有 天 ☆

Sep 11, 2008

【心情】There must be something I hate

Though the person is nice,

some of her behavior really disturb me.

I think that'll make me dilike her. ##ReadMore##


Everyone has his/her lifestyle.

Sometimes they match,

while sometimes conflict.


No one is wrong.

But just unsuitable.

Actually it's not that serious.


Well, I think what I like

is just to live my own way.

And never be disturbed.


Now I'll write someting down frankly.

I really hate bunk bed!

And I don't like perfume, either!


Someone who slept over me

turned over and over last night.

It not only made noise but also rocked the bed!


This morning,

I was woken up by the noisy shaking, too!

That made me unhappy and so comes this article.


She told me that she couldn't sleep well last night.

"But you don't have to implicate me!"

I responded her in my mind.


Well, maybe someday I'll tell her the truth.

But pessimistically I think

it won't make any difference.


Because that's the environment.

I can do nothing but to accept,

and to complain here.