❤ Brand New Start ~ Days ☆

❤ たっちょんに好きになった幸せな日々、今まで 日を過ごした 。○♡

❤ 數饅頭的日子還有 天 ☆

Dec 2, 2008

【心情】Blieve Fake

I don't trust most of the things.

So I'm wondering......

What do I believe? ##ReadMore##


Then, I find out.

Maybe I believe FAKE.

Because it's already fake.


In real live, it's serious.

There are too many responsibilities.

That's why lies was out.


But when I know something that is fake.

Then, it is true that it is fake.

It's free to tell the truth.


Ha~ that's all.

Again one of my ridiculous theorems.

I'll update it when I explore something new!